Denplan New Patient Sign Up Offer
Our partners Denplan are running an offer for new patients signing up to Denplan during April. They are giving away a ‘travel bag’ to each new joiner.
Anyone joining either Denplan Care or Essentials will be entitled to a free travel bag worth £42.95 containing:
- £25. Spa break gift voucher
- Wisdom Gum Health Protect manual toothbrush
- Wisdom Quantum Enamel Protect Gum Health toothpaste 75ml
- Wisdom Gum health alcohol free mouthwash 500ml
- Wisdom Clean between interdental brushes
- Denplan SPF15 Lip Balm
To qualify the patients application must be received by Denplan between 1st – 30th April 2016. The offer is not suitable for children under the age of 12, due to the contents of the travel bag.